Samadi Temple

Samadi Temple or samadhi mandir was built by one millionaire Shriman Gopalrao Booty of Nagpur . Story of Samadhi temple is very interesting one day Shri booty and Shyama was sleeping in the Dixit wada, Sai baba came in the dream of both and asked them to construct a new wada for temple of "Shree Krishna" next day both came to Sai Baba to discuss the dream of last night and approval of construction of new wada. Soon the the layout finalised and approval taken from Shri sai baba. In 1913 the construction was started and wadawas constructed with stone so it was also known as Dagadi Wada. In 1918 wada was near to complete and at the same time Shri Sai Baba fell ill and his health was reapidly deteriorated and on 15 October 1918 Sai Baba taken Mahasmadhi and his last words were :- " I am not feeling well in the Masjid, Take me to Dagadi Wada.